Cisco Core Switch Update

Creation date: 2/24/2025 9:32 AM    Updated: 2/24/2025 9:32 AM   cisco switch

I would also suggest going through the Release Notes below and refer to the Upgrading from Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.x.x in Install Mode section for a detailed step by step procedure to follow:

In case you run into any issues during the activity, please call into our Support helpline and they will allocate the On-call engineer for assistance.

Once the update is loaded on the switch perform the below commands during the Maintenace window.

Cisco WS-C3850-24XS-E

request platform software package install switch all file flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.12.SPA.bin new auto-copy

dir flash:*.pkg

dir flash:*.conf

dir flash:*.bin

delete flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.12.SPA.bin


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