BOM Circularity Check (Circular references are not allowed)

Creation date: 5/9/2023 3:33 PM    Updated: 5/9/2023 3:34 PM   bill of materials bom circular references circularity
If you receive the following error (see pictured), then an item within the bill of materials has itself as a line item:

To resolve this, do the following:

1. Click "Message details" on the right-side of the error messages to bring up the error details.

2. In the "Message details", you will find the list of items within the BOM where there is a circularity issue - this list is read from the BOTTOM upwards (i.e. 0037400030 is the main item that has the circularity issue and the next item up would be 0037402008).

3. Start a "trail" by clicking into the first item and checking its BOM Version and into each succeeding item and its BOM Version until you find an item that either has itself or a preceding item within its BOM lines. Once you identify the issue, remove that line.

4. Go back to the primary item BOM version that you were working on and the circularity issue should now be resolved.
Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations