Hello George,
I have logged into Axapta with your account, and you can now print to email.
To resolve this issue, I removed your SID from the registry on CX34.
Brady Rozens | Systems Administrator
Hurco North America
Indianapolis, Indiana
Office: 317-298-2633
Hello George,
To help better troubleshoot your issue can you provide me with your password so I can log into Citrix with your account?
Brady Rozens | Systems Administrator
Hurco North America
Indianapolis, Indiana
Office: 317-298-2633
From:George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 5:10 AM
To: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Cc: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: RE: Print from Axapta
I am sorry to bother you with the same issue. I am still having the same issue, it is not solved yet.
I have added the new Email via the Mail control settings, and still having the issue.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Date: 08-01-2025 17:05
Subject: RE: Print from Axapta
Try again please.
Brady Rozens | Systems Administrator
Hurco North America
Indianapolis, Indiana
Office: 317-298-2633
From:George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 10:29 AM
To: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Cc: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: RE: Print from Axapta
Hi Brady,
I am sorry for bothering you. I am still having the below problem.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Date: 08-01-2025 13:58
Subject: RE: Print from Axapta
Yes you will need to set these up again from the Citrix store by clicking on each.
When we removed your profile it removes those settings.
Brady Rozens | Systems Administrator
Hurco North America
Indianapolis, Indiana
Office: 317-298-2633
From:George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 7:44 AM
To: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Cc: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: RE: Print from Axapta
I received this message:
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>, "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Date: 08-01-2025 13:36
Subject: RE: Print from Axapta
Log out and back in to see if your issue is resolved.
Brady Rozens | Systems Administrator
Hurco North America
Indianapolis, Indiana
Office: 317-298-2633
From:George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 6:41 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Cc: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi Ryan,
I have already sent you the server. See please snip below:
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
Date: 03-01-2025 18:45
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
We really need you to include the server you are on when you report these issues.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Friday, January 3, 2025 11:55 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Cc: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Happy new year.
Thanks for your help. I am still have the problem. I am logged off now.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
Date: 19-12-2024 13:39
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi George,
We believe that we have found the issue. Please advise when you are logged off of AX so that we can do some cleanup work.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 7:28 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Cc: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi Ryan,
I have sent this screen. This is the server.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
Date: 19-12-2024 13:22
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
We really need to know which Citrix server you are connected to when you experience this issue.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2024 3:32 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Cc: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Unfortunatily still have the same issue.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
Date: 18-12-2024 16:17
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
This has been complete. Please let us know if you have any more issues. Please include the Citrix server in your communication.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 9:46 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Cc: Rozens, Brady <rozensb@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Please do. I am done for today.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Cc: "Rozens, Brady" <rozensb@hurco.com>
Date: 18-12-2024 15:26
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Let us know when you are done working for the day and we will take a look.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 8:23 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi Ryan,
This one.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Date: 17-12-2024 13:15
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
I need to know which Citrix server you are connected to when you get the error. You can get this by right clicking the Citrix icon in the system tray (by the clock) and selecting Connection Center.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 5:40 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi Ryan,
Sorry for late replay. It is not working. below is the result/.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Date: 09-12-2024 21:20
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi George,
Give it a try now and let us know the results.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2024 12:02 PM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
From: "McCloud, Ryan" <mccloudr@hurco.com>
To: "George Beylouni" <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Date: 09-12-2024 16:47
Subject: Re: Print from Axapta
Hi George,
I will need your password to confirm the email settings are correct for your account.
From: George Beylouni <George.Beylouni@jonglaan.nl>
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 7:46 AM
To: McCloud, Ryan <mccloudr@hurco.com>
Subject: Print from Axapta
Hi Ryan,
Can you please help with the print problem. I receive the following error.
Met vriendelijke groet/kind regards,
George Beylouni
Zelfstandig assistent accountant
Koningin Wilhelminaplein 30
1062 KR Amsterdam
De Jong & Laan Accountants en Advies B.V., gevestigd te Vroomshoop, KvK 87895129. Op al onze diensten en werkzaamheden zijn onze algemene voorwaarden van toepassing. Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn gedeponeerd bij de KvK onder nr. 08153431, zijn in te zien op www.jonglaan.nl, en worden op verzoek kosteloos toegezonden.
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De Jong & Laan Accountants en Advies B.V., gevestigd te Vroomshoop, KvK 87895129. Op al onze diensten en werkzaamheden zijn onze algemene voorwaarden van toepassing. Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn gedeponeerd bij de KvK onder nr. 08153431, zijn in te zien op www.jonglaan.nl, en worden op verzoek kosteloos toegezonden.
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